Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sleeve of hearts

I keep it inside me most of the time
Because it’s mine
Not yours to take
Not yours to break

But sometimes it breaks free
Despite my pleas
And settles on my sleeve

You just stay there
And I’ll be here
And we can pretend
There is no end

Don’t come closer
‘Cause it might be over
It’ll just be fun
So we don’t have to run

But sometimes it breaks free
Despite my pleas
And settles on my sleeve

You just stay there
And I’ll be here
And we can pretend
There is no end

I won’t say love
So you won’t have enough
We will stay free
And never worry with belief
Yet I must confess
I’ve never felt like this
It just can’t be wrong
 but I don’t know this song

I keep it inside me most of the time
Because it’s mine
Not yours to take
Not yours to break

But sometimes it breaks free
Despite my pleas
And settles on my sleeve

I don’t know what to do
When I look at you
It has settled on my sleeve
And I want to believe

But I keep it inside me most of the time
Because it’s mine

Hanging by a thread from my sleeve

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