Monday, May 6, 2013

5am revelation

Usually when I am up at this hour it's because I am thinking too much...worrying too much...having a panic attack about all the things I could have done better.

But tonight (or this morning depending on if you are a night owl or a morning bird), there is no panic attack.  There is no self doubt.  No longing to be anywhere other than sitting in this chair at this very moment.   I just happen to be awake...wanting to write. 

Did you hear that? 

I. want. to. write.

It's like a yellow ribbon around a tree for me.  It never left me.  It believed I'd come home.

It's silent but for the ticking of the clock, and I'm not even mad that I'm awake this early or that it's Monday.

I think this might be the ever elusive place they call peace.

I hope I get to stay, because it is the most beautiful place I've ever seen...and it looks just like my home.
