Monday, January 30, 2012


Listen closely.

Are you listening now? Really listening?

And I don’t mean to me; I mean to each other. Are you hearing and feeling what is being shared with you, or are you waiting for the appropriate pause to interject your opinion…or change the subject to yourself?
If you’re thinking of your next comment and how witty or inspirational it might be…you’re not listening. If you’ve just spent the last 30 minutes talking about yourself, your kids, your job, your world, and then you are asked to do the same for someone else…only to suddenly realize you’ve got a phone call, a visitor, a task that must completed right now…you probably have not been listening. Truly listening.

Please stop and think about this. Because someday you’re going to need somebody to listen. Really listen.
"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." ~Ernest Hemingway


  1. Keep makes your heart sing and that is always beautiful to see

  2. There is a lot of truth in these words...most people don't listen and just let the words wiz by their ears. I listen and learn.

    Love you my Michele, let your words flow...

  3. Very good words to live by. I have noticed people many people never stop talking. They go on and on and wear you out, no sense of verbal cues. There should be a natural flow to conversation. Sometimes after 20 minutes they will say, oh, and how was your day?
