Friday, February 10, 2017

Look Up

I was without my phone today for two and a half hours, and I learned a lot...

Look Up

I'm sitting in a restaurant  while my phone is being repaired
and I have nothing to do except
look up.
Be in the moment.
Right now.

Do I even know how to do that anymore?

It scares me --
how uncomfortable I am.

All I have is this pen and this paper.
Things I used to treasure
my time with
but have now forgotten.

Forsaken for a screen of numbness.
Outdated like 8-track,VHS, cassettes, and CDs
for a digital world.

I haven't written for at least a year --
traded my creativity for comfort.

How foolish and complacent for someone
who wants to be a writer.

Look up
the Universe is telling me.

Look up.